Mashed Potato Time Sports Special on Lumpen Radio: June 17, 2021
Jimmy "Preacher" Ellis - "Tough Competition" (1970) Showstoppers - "Ain't Nothing But a House Party" (1967) Vickie & The Van Dykes - "I...
You don’t have to care about sports to enjoy today’s #mashedpotatotime
You don’t have to care about sports to enjoy today’s #mashedpotatotime - but if you do, it’s a win-win! 🏆 Hear from the athletically &...
A Philly soul baseball jam, some French garage, & a tribute to Emitt Rhodes 🖤
A Philly soul baseball jam, some French garage, & a tribute to Emitt Rhodes 🖤 listen to #mashedpotatotime on @lumpenradio 1ET or...
baseball + vinyl
The only mention of #baseball you'll get from me is really about vinyl. Spinning this gem + more tonight for this month's...